Eventer, the best solution to share pictures with everyone

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Eventer, the best solution to share pictures with everyone

Starting point of our reflexion : a tough situation

Have you ever been in a situation where you wish you had all of last night’s funny pictures? Or gone on a holiday with friends and found it hard to get all the pictures from everyone?

By going to lots of events, we realised there was no easy way to gather all the pictures of an event. The only available options are complicated and require you to follow numerous steps before you can access the pictures. In our minds, everyone should have the possibility to relive their favourite memories easily, and forever 😉

This is why we decided to create our own app! One thing was primordial to us, it had to be easy to use and free. Our solution? Using geo-localization. Thanks to the latter, the users simply need to be present at the event in order to have access to the album! Afterwards, they can post all the pictures and videos they want (for real, it’s unlimited 😉 ).

Here’s a little explanatory video of how our little miracle functions:


We wanted to make sure that anyone could gather the pictures of their event so we made it free.


The free version of Eventer is already a lot of fun, but we have realized that professionals needed us for their events too. Indeed, they have greater needs in terms of digital animation, communication and image management.

We then created “Eventer Premium”, with brand new functionalities including a live show (video where all the pictures and videos stream on a screen); the possibility of asking our team to create this live show from beginning to end and a filter dedicated to the organizer’s brand can appear on all the content.

In terms of privacy, we will not share your private data. The copyright to your pictures belong to you only. Eventer will always remain a non-intrusive tool that you can use for any event.

Try it yourself by downloading here

Here is how it works:


STILL WANT MORE? You’re picky…but we love it!

Another type of user came to us: the private consumers. Those are the people organizing weddings, birthdays or religious parties, who want to keep all the pictures and videos for those special occasions. To please them, we have created the “tailor-made”. This means that the customers tell us their wishes, and we do everything to make them come true 😉 Additional filters, personalization of the live show, on-site service…you name it, we do it!

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