7 reasons to prefer Eventer to a traditional Photo Booth
The price
If you’ve considered a photo booth for your event, you probably already know that the investment is somewhat substantial. On average, you can expect to pay between 250 and 500 euros for the rental of a photo booth (ouch!). So, you can get your impressions directly, but at what price? Not to mention the failed photos that you will have printed for nothing…
The best solution, let’s face it, is to use the Eventer application! Why should we do that? Simply because it’s FREE! Yes, yes you read correctly, free! Of course, the photos don’t print directly, unlike a classic photo booth, but with Eventer you can choose your favourite photos and print them in the format you like where you want: online, via an app! That way you avoid waste and save money at the same time!
For the FREE prints of our favourite photos, we have personally opted for the STAMPIX application.
The logistic

When you choose to rent a photo booth, you take all the logistical problems that go with it. Who comes to install it? At what time? Is it up to you to pick it up? Who is in charge? What number should I call? When is it available? How does it work? Here’s a short, non-exhaustive list of questions you’ll have to ask yourself, so don’t worry, you have a lot more to deal with! Not to mention the connection problems when you enter your email address to get your photo. Painful, isn’t it?
Once again, these problems are solved with Eventer! YOU manage your Eventer album dedicated to your event. You send the invitation to all the participants, they join the album thanks to geolocation and BIM: everything is up and running! Everyone has access to all the photos of the event without any logistical inconvenience!
Everyone leaves with all the memories in his pocket!
We know that you have no time to lose and that’s why we offer you an app that is easy to use AND install! And if you ever encounter any problem, our technical service is available 24/7 via the “CONTACT US” button on your app.
Printing, really?
With a photo booth tons and tons of photos will be printed to finally like only two or three at most (not counting the photos that the kids will take while they’re having fun with it…)! What happens to these photos afterwards? Yes, not much… In the era of bio-eco-responsible, let’s avoid this kind of completely useless waste please!! “How dare you ???” would tell you our good old Greta!

Moreover, in the digital age, people prefer to share their favourite photos on social networks rather than having a lot of paper photos that they’ll have lost within the next two weeks! With Eventer, it’s two in one! You can share your photos on social networks and you can, if you want, print your favourite photos: and that way, no more waste!
Anti static
When you rent a photo booth, the decor/background will remain the same for all the pictures you’ll take during the evening (yes, it’s fixed, unless you’ve hired a team of movers to move the beast every hour !?). It’s a shame and not very original, don’t you think? We agree with you, and that’s why Eventer gets an extra point! Thanks to this application, you’ll be able to take pictures from everywhere with the most beautiful background possible, isn’t it wonderful?!
Dedicated filter
If you want to take the Eventer experience one step further and get photo booth style photos, Eventer offers you to insert a dedicated filter, in the colours of your event, in your Eventer album! Each photo taken from the camera button on your Eventer app can be added to your album with your own custom filter! This paid option is 100€ per filter! So, don’t hesitate any longer! 🙂
Didn’t you think photo booths were fun about ten years ago? You have to live with the times, folks! Eventer is THE innovative solution you really need. All the contents from all over the world, to which everyone has access, all this in an application that also allows digital animation with its FREE LIVE MOVIE: what more could you ask for?! Yes, yes, I heard you right: nothing at all, that’s what we want!! 😀
Icing on the cake

Obviously, Eventer doesn’t stop there. If you really want a photo booth solution, with a static photo corner, which you would decorate for a special occasion, there is the Photo booth extension in Eventer. How does it work? Nothing could be simpler! Do you have a tablet? Do you have a tripod? Then I’m happy to announce that you have a free photo booth! Thank you who? Thank you Eventer !!
In short, Eventer: the best of the Social Wall and Photo booth combined, without the drawbacks 😀
We love photo booths but when it’s FREE like OUR APPLICATION, it’s better ! If you have to make a choice, we recommend CheeeseBOX!
They offer to connect their photo booth to Eventer albums, on demand! From then on, all the photos taken from their terminals will be added to the Eventer album for even more memories!